They are active at night and generally hide during the day. However, if they need some meal and a host is available, they can also feed at any given time.
This is when our gloves really come in handy while treating bedbug infestation, It is because when we accidentally popped one, we’ve got bloodstains all over and we don’t like them in our skin too.
University of Minnesota stated that under normal circumstances adult bed bugs will live for about 2 to 4 months. So if you have 5 bedbugs in your house expect to have thousands within 2 months.
That is the reason why after treatment we ask customers to sleep in their bedroom so that all the bedbugs that have gone into hiding will go out and feed. This is the perfect opportunity for them to crawl into the treatment we have laid out in the bedframes and other surfaces. Thus, killing them in the process.
This happens during the nymphic stage.
Since Bedbugs have 5 nymphic stages, one bedbug needs to at least feed one before molting. So if you have 50 bedbugs that hatched from their eggs, You and your household will be ready meal for 50 bedbugs multiplied by 5 in the span of 2 weeks.